Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Anniversary Diner

Today is our 13th wedding anniversary. Those first couple of years were pretty rough for a couple of teenagers in love. Mac & Cheese was one of the things that kept us from being hungry. There were even times when we had to wait until payday to buy the milk required to make it. But like everyone else's rough times, it just made the bond between us that much stronger.

My mother gave us this 5-pack as an anniversary present this year. I think it was to help us remember where we have come from, and what we have gone through. We have been so blessed in recent years, and sometimes it's easy to forget that. In all reality, though, as long as I have my Princess, I don't even need Mac & Cheese. I hope she enjoys her anniversary dinner.
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Cupcake said...

I wish you the Happiest Anniversary so far, and so much love.


Sammi said...

I certainly wouldn't have said this when we were going through them, but we grew so much during those times. I wouldn't change a thing.

On the flip side of that though, I'm glad we were able to go out for a nice dinner tonight and were able to appreciate it that much more because of what we have learned and been through.

Sadly, I have a feeling we'll be seeing Mac & Cheese again in our future, when they're trying to force feed us a pureed version at the nursing home when we're old and gray. ;-)

I love you so, so much and look forward to many, many more years with you.