Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sunrise Earth

While trying so hard to enjoy dinner with my Princess this evening, I was inspired by the show "Sunrise Earth." At first it was just something to keep me from slowly killing the man on the patio who was, in turn, slowly killing James Taylor. But it wasn't long before the still, quiet images got burned into my retinas, and I began deconstructing them into the simple shadows and reflections that are the building blocks of photography.

This image isn't exactly what I had in my head, but it isn't that far off. Especially considering that the whole thing was done with a couple of paper bags, a sheet of plastic, and one, simple, off-camera flash. Again, my hat goes off to Strobist for teaching me to look at things a little differently than I ever had before, and to my fellow PADists, who have forced me to take the time to shoot, every single day, for this entire month.
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1 comment:

Sammi said...

You said you were going to do it and while I never doubted you, it did come out much better than I had anticipated. All it's missing are the little Chinese men and their fishing ducks. :-) You're amazing.